Fernández-Pinedo’s work is characterized by its deep exploration of plasticity. Throughout his career he has managed to integrate realism and abstraction, resulting in a fusion that captures the essence of interpretation in art. The theme of his paintings cover landscapes, portraits, animals and various compositions, always creating different textures, brushstrokes and diverse plastic elements that are very personal and highly complex.
“In my artistic process, I find a constant need to look for the most plastic aspect of diverse themes and elements. In them I always seek to extract something that I have not yet explored, that makes me reflect and evolve the concept I have of color, gesture, the texture, image, etc.
Thus, I configure and propose scenes in which through interpretation I try to give life to a new world of sensations. Cohere the most intuitive and abstract part with a base and figurative order through plastic resources. My goal is to take the viewer on a visual journey where what is known is transformed into something completely different, something full of possibilities and meanings.”